Spring Meetings Seminars
Asia's Rebalancing:
Regional and Global Implications
Saturday, April 21, 2012, 3:00–4:15 p.m.
IMF HQ1, Gallery, 2nd floor
Ilan Goldfajn
Chief Economist,
Itau Unibanco,
Vincent Reinhart
Chief U.S. Economist,
Morgan Stanley
Naoyuki Shinohara
IMF Deputy
Managing Director
Yi Gang
Deputy Governor People's Bank
of China and
Director, State
Administration of
Foreign Exchange China
Pamela Cox
World Bank Group's
Vice President for Latin America
and the Caribbean
Nobutaka Murao
With the nascent recovery in advanced economies remaining highly vulnerable to shocks, domestic sources of growth could help support Asia. Strengthening engines of growth within Asia will not only make the region more resilient, but will also support the necessary shift in global demand from defi cit to surplus economies. In 2011, the trade surplus of emerging Asia, led by China, has declined substantially. Is this evidence of the much needed rebalancing? If not, what is missing and what policies are needed to bring about sustainable adjustment? How would rebalancing in China and Asia affect the Asia region and the global economy? The panel will discuss these and related issues.
Watch a webcast of the seminar